Olivos Golf Club - Colorada
Ruta Panamericana Ramal Pilar, Km 32, Argentina
As part of the Olivos Golf Club, this course was nominated to be one of the venues for the American PGA to hos the world cup in 2000. An English-style golf course with long and smooth slopes and fast greens with notorious movement to increase the difficulty.
- 设计师N/D
- 球场类型Parkland
- 洞9
- 标准杆36
- 高尔夫球车
- 球童服务
- 更衣室
- 切球果岭
- 练习场
- 球杆租赁
- 高尔夫课程
- 储物柜
- 练习沙坑
- 专业商店
- 手推车
- 推杆果岭
- 接待大厅
- 餐厅
+54 011 458 710 76