Bernardus Golf


Deutersestraat 39 D, Netherlands

Om golfbanan

Bernardus Golf is a challenging 18-hole championship golf course, designed by American architect Kyle Phillips, who was also responsible for the design of world famous courses like Kingsbarns, The Grove and Yas Links.

Bernardus Golf was built as a heathland golf course, which makes it accessible to any golfer. The numerous bunkers are laid out beautifully and the tricky water hazards seamlessly blend in with the background of dunes, heath and gorse. A day at Bernardus gives you the ultimate feeling of peace, quiet and relaxation. Both on the course and the practice facilities; driving range, short-game area and putting greens.

  • ArkitektKyle Phillips
  • BantypParkway
  • Hål18
  • Par72


TypTable head iconStandard
Greenfee, 18 hål185 EUR


  • GolfbilGolfbil
  • Hyr en caddieCreated with Sketch.Hyr en caddie
  • OmklädningsrumOmklädningsrum
  • Chipping greenChipping green
  • Driving rangeDriving range
  • KlubbuthyrningKlubbuthyrning
  • GolflektionerGolflektioner
  • Skåp med låsSkåp med lås
  • ÖvningsbunkerÖvningsbunker
  • Pro shopPro shop
  • GolfvagnCreated with Sketch.Golfvagn
  • Putting greenPutting green
  • ReceptionReception
  • RestaurangRestaurang


+31 612 738 430

Golfbanor i närheten

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