Golfclub Der Lüderich cover image
Golfclub Der Lüderich

Golfclub Der Lüderich


Am Golfplatz 1, Germany

Om golfbanan


THE MOST EXTREME GOLF COURSE IN GERMANY Every golf course a "signature hole"

The DER LÜDERICH golf club offers you an unusual golfing experience on a well-tended course with exceptional views of the Bergisches Land, close to the rivers Rhine and Ruhr.

Holiday feeling just outside Cologne's city gates

In 2000, the DER LÜDERICH golf club was built on a former ore mine site, and its landmark is Germany's second-oldest winding tower. The extraordinary facility, harmoniously integrated into its natural surroundings, gives you the relaxing feelings of a day's holiday.

When you end your round of golf on our terrace, you are guaranteed to remember every hole of our course.

Play the extraordinary near Cologne, in Germany!

The first 9 holes with a slope of 110 are the easiest 9 holes and the back nine with a slope of 149 are the hardest 9 holes in German golf.

  • ArkitektN/D
  • BantypParkland
  • Hål18
  • Par70


 Ordinarie prisHelgpris
TypTable head iconStandardTable head iconStandard
Greenfee, 18 hålPriset varierar69 EUR79 EUR


  • GolfbilGolfbil
  • Hyr en caddieCreated with Sketch.Hyr en caddie
  • OmklädningsrumOmklädningsrum
  • Chipping greenChipping green
  • Driving rangeDriving range
  • KlubbuthyrningKlubbuthyrning
  • GolflektionerGolflektioner
  • Skåp med låsSkåp med lås
  • ÖvningsbunkerÖvningsbunker
  • Pro shopPro shop
  • GolfvagnCreated with Sketch.Golfvagn
  • Putting greenPutting green
  • ReceptionReception
  • RestaurangRestaurang


+49 021 515 902 43

Golfbanor i närheten

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