Golf igraliste Adriatic, Skiper Resort cover image
Golf igraliste Adriatic, Skiper Resort

Golf igraliste Adriatic, Skiper Resort


Alberi 300, Croatia

Om golfbanan

Course was designed by the DI. Diethard Fahrenleitner and DI. Barbara Eisserer, who assigned the Austrian Golf Art Landscape award.

On our golf course, as well as on all courses by the sea, the wind can play a significant role, along with strategically placed bunkers and skillfully crafted greens. Course is literally blended into the landscape, shaped the rocks, natural ponds and evergreen vegetation, which is typical for the Mediterranean region. On every hole there are 5 tee positions, and with each hole a unique scenery and landscapes that are reflected in their descriptive names like Vineyard, Seaview, Olivetree, Romanic Church ...

  • ArkitektDI. Diethard Fahrenleitner and DI. Barbara Eisserer
  • BantypParkland
  • Hål18
  • Par72


 Ordinarie prisHelgpris
TypTable head iconStandardTable head iconStandard
Greenfee, 18 hål80 EUR85 EUR


  • GolfbilGolfbil
  • Hyr en caddieCreated with Sketch.Hyr en caddie
  • OmklädningsrumOmklädningsrum
  • Chipping greenChipping green
  • Driving rangeDriving range
  • KlubbuthyrningKlubbuthyrning
  • GolflektionerGolflektioner
  • Skåp med låsSkåp med lås
  • ÖvningsbunkerÖvningsbunker
  • Pro shopPro shop
  • GolfvagnCreated with Sketch.Golfvagn
  • Putting greenPutting green
  • ReceptionReception
  • RestaurangRestaurang


+38 552 707 100

Golfbanor i närheten

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