Golf Arboretum cover image
Golf Arboretum

Golf Arboretum


Volcji Potok 43g, Slovenia

Om golfbanan

The course boasts a picturesque clubhouse that offers comfort to golfers and other visitors. Club and office spaces are designed for all sorts of socializing as well as for organizing business meetings and seminars. Many social gatherings take place on the exercise greens in the shades of pine trees.There are also three stylish apartments in the club, mostly used by foreign guests.

The Arboretum Golf Course was designed by distinguished Italian architect Marco Croze in collaboration with local architect Peter Škofic. The projects date back to 1996. The course has 18 diverse holes that offer many challenges and pleasures. In addition to the course, there is a fenced training ground for long games, a putting green, a large practice area for short games, and a raised green for sand trap shots.

  • ArkitektMarco Croze
  • BantypParkland
  • Hål18
  • Par71


  • GolfbilGolfbil
  • Hyr en caddieCreated with Sketch.Hyr en caddie
  • OmklädningsrumOmklädningsrum
  • Chipping greenChipping green
  • Driving rangeDriving range
  • KlubbuthyrningKlubbuthyrning
  • GolflektionerGolflektioner
  • Skåp med låsSkåp med lås
  • ÖvningsbunkerÖvningsbunker
  • Pro shopPro shop
  • GolfvagnCreated with Sketch.Golfvagn
  • Putting greenPutting green
  • ReceptionReception
  • RestaurangRestaurang


+38 601 831 8080

Golfbanor i närheten

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