Golf A Olimje
Olimje 24, Slovenia
Om golfbanan
A walk around the sand and water hazards of the nine holes is a real challenge. Here you can confront and immerse yourself in golf. On one hand, relaxing in nature, on the other, challenging yourself in the extremely controlled physical movements and psychophysical conditions demanded by the sport.
- ArkitektN/D
- BantypParkland
- Hål9
- Par31
- Golfbil
- Hyr en caddie
- Omklädningsrum
- Chipping green
- Driving range
- Klubbuthyrning
- Golflektioner
- Skåp med lås
- Övningsbunker
- Pro shop
- Golfvagn
- Putting green
- Reception
- Restaurang
+38 638 109 066