El Plantio Golf - Championship Course cover image
El Plantio Golf - Championship Course

El Plantio Golf - Championship Course


Antigua -Elche Km.3, A-79 Carretera, 03114 Alacante, Spain

Om golfbanan

Nestled in the heart of the Valencian Community in Spain, El Plantio Golf - Championship Course is the perfect destination for golf holidays. Just a short drive from Alicante Airport, this golf course boasts spectacular facilities and a stunning surrounding area.

El Plantio Golf - Championship Course is the only course of its kind in the area, making it a different place to play compared to other golf courses. With wide fairways and great depth, this compact course provides a real challenge for even the most advanced players. The hole design is in perfect harmony with the natural vegetation, which includes palm trees and cork trees. The course has large lakes and colorful vegetation that add to the beauty of the area.

The first hole sets the stage for the entire course, and it doesn't disappoint. You'll be immediately impressed by the high quality of the course and the best service provided by the staff. The putting green is a great place to warm up before hitting the course. This championship course is the main course of the El Plantio Golf Club, and the El Plantio Golf Club scorecards are available to help you keep track of your game.

Playing at El Plantio Golf - Championship Course is a fantastic place to be, putting you in a good mood from the very beginning. This course provides a unique golfing experience in a natural setting, giving players a chance to go full throttle on their swings while enjoying the beauty of their surroundings.

  • ArkitektN/D
  • BantypParkland
  • Hål18
  • Par72


TypTable head iconStandard
Greenfee, 18 hålPriset varierar70 EUR


  • GolfbilGolfbil
  • Hyr en caddieCreated with Sketch.Hyr en caddie
  • OmklädningsrumOmklädningsrum
  • Chipping greenChipping green
  • Driving rangeDriving range
  • KlubbuthyrningKlubbuthyrning
  • GolflektionerGolflektioner
  • Skåp med låsSkåp med lås
  • ÖvningsbunkerÖvningsbunker
  • Pro shopPro shop
  • GolfvagnCreated with Sketch.Golfvagn
  • Putting greenPutting green
  • ReceptionReception
  • RestaurangRestaurang


+34 965 189 115

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