

I november 2021 annonserer region Murcia at golf skal være høydepunktet i deres mål om å sette fart i turismen etter pandemien. Et strategisk trekk, i og med at golfbanene i Murcia er både populære og ofte besøkt av tilreisende golfspillere fra alle hjørner av verden. Her er en oversikt over noen av de førsteklasses golfbanene i Murcia som enhver golfer helt sikkert ikke ønsker å gå glipp av, der fire av dem er designet av den legendariske Jack Nicklaus.

Murcia Golfhøydepunkter

Byer i Murcia

Solfylte dager
EUR 1.71
Øl (pint)
EUR 1.43
Taxi 1 km

Ting å gjøre i Murcia

Golf course - Art & culture

Art & culture

The origin of Murcia’s historical traditions is still to be found in the area for travelers to witness and understand why this destination has become an important place for cultural heritage. In fact, some of the older art forms in the world are found here in the shape of rock drawings found in the many different caves that illustrate the beginnings of modern art. In addition, there are plenty of museums, monuments, and theatres accessible for visitors to embrace the cultural atmosphere of Murcia.
Golf course - Sports & adventure

Sports & adventure

The golf courses in Murcia are nothing less than spectacular, but there are plenty of thrilling activities to endure for those seeking more excitement during the visit. The surrounding mountains have a wide choice of trails for climbers, bikers, and hikers that provide a stunning view once you reach a certain height.
Golf course - Festivities & festivals

Festivities & festivals

Feel the rhythm of Murcia during the many different festivals and holiday traditions that keep the region alive all year round. Everything from religious holidays, theatres, jazz events, pop music, and electronic festivals. The locals pride themselves on their traditions and take every opportunity to keep them alive by welcoming visitors to take part in the music and dance that occur during every celebration.