Dunbar Golf Club cover image
Dunbar Golf Club

Dunbar Golf Club


East Links Road, Scotland

골프 코스 소개

First laid out in 1856 and redesigned over the years by the likes of Old Tom Morris, Ben Sayers and James Braid, Dunbar East Links has a page pedigree second to none.

Well defined holes following the natural contours of a narrow strip of land between the old red sandstone deer park wall and the rocky shoreline are the hallmarks of these links. At a little over 6,500 yards, it is not the longest championship course, but any golfer thinking this equates to a lack of challenge will soon be put right. This is a course built upon those old fashioned golfing virtues of club selection and shot-making. With the ever-present – and ever-changing – wind off the sea, it demands accuracy and judgement, and rewards only bravery and skill.

  • 설계자Old Tom Morris
  • 코스 유형Links
  • 18
  • 71


 정상가주말 요금
유형Table head iconStandardTable head iconTwilightTable head iconStandardTable head iconTwilight
Greenfee, 18홀GBP 150GBP 125GBP 185GBP 165


  • 카트카트
  • 캐디 고용Created with Sketch.캐디 고용
  • 탈의실탈의실
  • 치핑 그린치핑 그린
  • 드라이빙 레인지드라이빙 레인지
  • 골프클럽 대여골프클럽 대여
  • 골프 레슨골프 레슨
  • 사물함사물함
  • 연습용 벙커연습용 벙커
  • 프로샵프로샵
  • 풀카트Created with Sketch.풀카트
  • 퍼팅 그린퍼팅 그린
  • 리셉션홀리셉션홀
  • 레스토랑레스토랑


+44 013 688 623 17

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