Golf Club Husumer Bucht cover image
Golf Club Husumer Bucht

Golf Club Husumer Bucht


Hohlacker 5, Germany


Located in a holiday region, it goes without saying that guests at this golf club are always very welcome. They make sure you are happy and satisfied. North Frisia, Nordfriesland, is known as flat land and so some natives really claim to be able to see who is passing by at noon. This is, of course, "plattdeutscher Tünkram", a regional urban legend, but it says a lot about the feeling of freedom in this unique region.

In any case, there is enough time to breathe, the noticeably salty air of the North Frisian Wadden Sea that clears the head - guaranteed. A good place to experience this is a special piece of land in front of the gates of the Storm City. It was Theodor Storm who dedicated a literary piece to our town. Golf Club Husumer Bucht is characterised by vast lands and regional wildlife close-up. In the early hours of the morning, deer can be seen with their kits, field rabbits and pheasants get together on the fields, and duck families take their laps in the ponds.

  • 設計者Donald Harrdine
  • コースタイプParkland
  • ホール18
  • パー72


タイプTable head iconStandard
Greenfee, 18ホールEUR 66


  • カートカート
  • キャディCreated with Sketch.キャディ
  • ロッカールームロッカールーム
  • アプローチ練習場アプローチ練習場
  • ドライビングレンジドライビングレンジ
  • クラブレンタルクラブレンタル
  • ゴルフレッスンゴルフレッスン
  • ロッカーロッカー
  • バンカー練習場バンカー練習場
  • プロショッププロショップ
  • 手引きカートCreated with Sketch.手引きカート
  • パッティンググリーンパッティンググリーン
  • レセプションホールレセプションホール
  • レストランレストラン


+49 048 417 2238

