Antalya Golf Club Pasha Course
Tietoa golfkentästä
Note: Booking a tee time at this club is a request, we will confirm the booking with Antalya Golf Club.
The opening hole welcomes visitors with magical mountain views and a luxurious atmosphere. Undulating greens, tricky dog-leg holes, and cleverly placed bunkers make this course a challenge for golfers of any handicap and requires a careful and thought-out approach.
This course is the perfect warmup before challenging other harder courses in the surrounding area such as the PGA Sultan.
- ArkkitehtiDavid Jones & European Golf Design
- KenttätyyppiParkland
- Väyliä18
- PAR72
Ei saatavillaLisäpalvelut
- Golfauto
- Caddien varaus
- Pukuhuone
- Lähipelialue
- Range
- Mailojen vuokraus
- Golfopetus
- Kaapit
- Harjoitusbunkkeri
- Pro shop
- Kärry
- Harjoitusviheriö
- Juhlasali
- Ravintola
Belek Turizm Merkezi Üçkum tepesi mevkii Yeni mahalle No: 22, 07525 Serik, Turkey, Turkey