Altaona Golf Course
Tietoa golfkentästä
Note: Booking a tee time at this club is a request, we will confirm the booking with Altaona Golf Course.
The golf course winds through the development, with wide corridors, set in an arid climate. The natural landscape is gently rolling with sparse vegetation, and this gentle topography makes it easy to walk.
It is the perfect setting for an enjoyable golfing experience.
- ArkkitehtiStirling & Martin Golf Architects
- KenttätyyppiParkway
- Väyliä18
- PAR72
Ei saatavillaLisäpalvelut
- Golfauto
- Caddien varaus
- Pukuhuone
- Lähipelialue
- Range
- Mailojen vuokraus
- Golfopetus
- Kaapit
- Harjoitusbunkkeri
- Pro shop
- Kärry
- Harjoitusviheriö
- Juhlasali
- Ravintola
+34 968 95 28 44
Avenidadel Mundo31-1ºB, Spain