Blackwell Golf Club
Tietoa golfkentästä
Note: Booking a tee time at this club is a request, we will confirm the booking with Blackwell Golf Club.
Founded as a 9 hole course in 1893, the course was extended to 18 holes in 1923 thanks to Tom Simpson & Herbert Fowler who are credited with the layout we enjoy today.
Blackwell is a traditional members club that respects the traditions of the game, is renowned for its hospitality and welcoming environment, and has a golf course consistently regarded as one of England’s finest.
- ArkkitehtiTom Simpson & Herbert Fowler
- KenttätyyppiParkland
- Väyliä18
- PAR70
Ei saatavillaLisäpalvelut
- Golfauto
- Caddien varaus
- Pukuhuone
- Lähipelialue
- Range
- Mailojen vuokraus
- Golfopetus
- Kaapit
- Harjoitusbunkkeri
- Pro shop
- Kärry
- Harjoitusviheriö
- Juhlasali
- Ravintola
+44 012 144 519 94
Agmore rd, England