UGOLF Béthemont
12 Rue du Parc de Béthemont, France
Über den Golfplatz
A beautiful clubhouse with a panoramic terrace with spectacular views of the golf course followed by the horizon. Natural environment with forestry seperating the fairways from one another.
- ArchitektBernhard Langer
- PlatzartParkland
- Loch18
- PAR72
- Buggy
- Caddie mieten
- Umkleideraum
- Chipping green
- Driving Range
- Golfschläger ausleihen
- Golfunterricht
- Schließfächer
- Übungsbunker
- Pro shop
- Trolley
- Putting green
- Rezeption
- Restaurant
+33 013 908 1370