Abama Golf cover image
Abama Golf

Abama Golf


C/ Pino Ojeda 2 Carretera general, TF-47, KM9, 38687 Playa San Juan, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Über den Golfplatz

Rising up the west face of the Teide Volcano, Abama Golf course was created by world renowned golf designer Dave Thomas. The immaculately maintained 18 hole championship course contains over 300 species of subtropical plant life, including over 20,000 palm trees. Almost all of the holes of the course have spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean and the island of La Gomera.

With 22 lakes spread throughout the course´s ever changing terrain, as well as waterfalls and white sand bunkers, the course is challenging enough to test even the most experienced golfer.

  • ArchitektDave Thomas
  • PlatzartParkland
  • Loch18
  • PAR72


der TypTable head iconStandard
Greenfee, 18-Loch250 EUR


  • BuggyBuggy
  • Caddie mietenCreated with Sketch.Caddie mieten
  • UmkleideraumUmkleideraum
  • Chipping greenChipping green
  • Driving RangeDriving Range
  • Golfschläger ausleihenGolfschläger ausleihen
  • GolfunterrichtGolfunterricht
  • SchließfächerSchließfächer
  • ÜbungsbunkerÜbungsbunker
  • Pro shopPro shop
  • TrolleyCreated with Sketch.Trolley
  • Putting greenPutting green
  • RezeptionRezeption
  • RestaurantRestaurant


+34 902 105 600

Nahe gelegene Golfplätze

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