Thailand beskrives ofte som en livsændrende oplevelse for førstegangsbesøgende og er en af de mest berømte feriedestinationer i verden. Golfscenen ser ud til at blive mere populær i de seneste år på grund af de mange nybyggede goldbaner, der er omgivet af en farverig og eksotisk naturlig atmosfære. Golfbanerne i Thailand er oftest integreret med den kraftige vegetation og de udfordrende vand hazards. Hovedstaden Bangkok er en meget golfvenlig destination, hvor Asian Tour finder sted på nogle af banerne. Den er også medlem af PGA (Professional Golf Association). Nyd golf i verdensklasse i Thailand samt de mange andre aktiviteter i et af Asiens mest populære paradiser. Se rejser til Thailand!
One of the world’s most popular destinations for a variety of different styles of martial arts. Muay Thai, also known as kickboxing, originates in Thailand and gathers people from all over to witness and practice this ancient style of fighting.
Islands & beaches
Take a trip on Thailand’s traditional long-tail boats to the many different paradise islands in Thailand. The turquoise water is accompanied by an abundance of vegetated islands. Don’t forget to visit the famous Khao Phing Kan from James Bond – The Man with the Golden Gun.
The capital of Thailand. Tuk-tuk yourself around this magical city and embrace the ancient cultural heritage that is finely balanced with modern structures that light up the city. Experience true Thai cuisine in one of the many food markets and connect with the friendly locals.
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