Zlati Gric Golf Course
Stari trg 29 a, Slovenia
Om golfbanen
The round offers various water hazards and trees, fairways and greens are superbly manicured and maintained the whole time. As the area is highly diverse and the holes are narrow, players need to be very precise and this makes the course a real challenge, even for the most experienced golfers.
- ArkitektN/D
- BanetypParkland
- Huller9
- PAR36
- Golfvogn
- Lej en caddie
- Omklædningsrum
- Chipping green
- Driving range
- Lej golfkøller
- Golftimer
- Skabe
- Bunker, hvor du kan øve dig
- Pro shop
- Trækvogn
- Putting green
- Reception
- Restaurant
+38 605 163 0444