Golf de La Wantzenau cover image
Golf de La Wantzenau

Golf de La Wantzenau


Rte du Golf, 67610 La Wantzenau, France

Om golfbanen

The Golf de La Wantzenau offers a veryvarious 18-holes course with waterfeatures that are an integral part of it.A training area, which is completelyopen to the public, consists of acompact 12-hole course, a covereddriving range, a grass driving range, anarea reserved for small games, and twoputting greens.

  • ArkitektJeremy Pern & Jean Garaialde
  • BanetypParkland
  • Huller18
  • PAR72


 Normal prisWeekend pris
TypeTable head iconStandardTable head iconStandard
Greenfee, 18 huller85 EUR100 EUR


  • GolfvognGolfvogn
  • Lej en caddieCreated with Sketch.Lej en caddie
  • OmklædningsrumOmklædningsrum
  • Chipping greenChipping green
  • Driving rangeDriving range
  • Lej golfkøllerLej golfkøller
  • GolftimerGolftimer
  • SkabeSkabe
  • Bunker, hvor du kan øve digBunker, hvor du kan øve dig
  • Pro shopPro shop
  • TrækvognCreated with Sketch.Trækvogn
  • Putting greenPutting green
  • ReceptionReception
  • RestaurantRestaurant


+33 038 896 3773

Golfbaner I Nærheden

Image for Golfanlage Schloss Weitenburg 18-Loch course

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